We will never (categorically and absolutely - never) make any of your personal details public. Any piece of data which identifies you as a person is securely locked in our own database accessible only via two levels of passwords.
We will ensure that any survey we organize does not require you to disclose any personal data directly to the site. If however, in the process of participating in a survey you provide personal information to the owner of the site you are assessing, then that is beyond our control. Please check the site's privacy policy before submitting any details.
We will only ever use your details to produce demographically based statistical reports, which will be used by ourselves, our clients and our partners. No identifiable details of any single spider will ever (ever!) appear on those reports.
Should we decide to modify our policy then we will notify you via the e-mail address you provided at registration. You may at that point cancel your membership and any details you have provided to us will remain anonymous.
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